Perspective puzzle game combines optical illusions with 3D exploration

The player needs to move the cube and find a way to a target. Our original puzzle combines optical illusions created with false perspectives, due to a lack of depth, with an exploration of 3D space, a clean look, and fun trial-and-error gameplay. The player moves the cube and explores floating platforms. When moving beyond one platform, the cube will fall on top of another platform or into a void and reappear at the start. The player needs to find a path to the target destination marked with a black square on the platform. Every move that a player makes, is marked by a path on the platforms, to make it easy to explore more options. The user should collect stars while moving, when collecting all stars, additional platforms appear with a diamond that can be collected. When the user collects a diamond, he receives a hint. A hint can be used by pressing the button at the bottom-right corner of the screen. The hint is allowing the user to see where the cube will end up after a move, revealing ways to jump between two platforms, when the cube is moved to the edge of the upper platform. It is easy to move the cube and make it drop into the void, but it is ok because the cube is moved immediately to the start position, for the user to try again. The player can also use the shadow of the cube to find the way between the platforms.
Additional features: music(on,off,skip,volume), reminders(on,off,time,day), changeable ui, audio (on,off,volume), levels (selection,next,previous), help, restart.
We are working on more levels and they will be released soon.
Wrong Angle Puzzle – for requests and questions, send us an email:
Available at Google Play Store.